Friday, November 9, 2012

LoL Champion Obsession

I haven't posted a blog in months and for that I'm sorry. I've been so busy with homework I haven't had time to do the things I would normally do and unfortunately, I'm still kind of obsessed with League of Legends which I've already blogged about, but I decided I would find some sort of inspiration to blog again so now I'm here to discuss my latest champion obsession on League.


Talon is my first PVP champion. I bought him not long after I started playing LoL and was still very new to the game and I must confess I was not very good with him at all so I barely played with him for a while. Eventually, I was able to find a good build for him and I began to slaughter with him so I decided that when I started playing PVP, he would be my sole companion and I haven't lost a game yet. I admit, Talon is extremely hard to be good with so don't get discouraged if you're not very good with him at first.

I'm uploading his Champion Spotlight so you don't have to get bored with my rambling on and on about him :). Just remember, practice, practice, practice.

Talon Champion Spotlight