Sunday, February 5, 2012


So this obsession has been an ongoing obsession for at least 3 years now, but considering I just went to Kami-Con yesterday, it just has to be my newest blog obsession. OK, so if you're a nerd, you'll know exactly what Kami-Con is, scratch that, if you're an anime nerd, you'll know exactly what Kami-Con is. For those of you, not in the "nerd-herd," it is quite simple to understand. Take all of the anime nerds in a close proximity and give them a whole weekend and a convention center then bribe us with free screenings of the most popular animes, cheaper mangas, and all sorts of anime merchandise at discounted prices and ta-da, you now have a Kami-Con. Not much different from Comic-Con or Dragon-Con, except Kami-Con revolves around anime characters. Of course, you'll always see your decked out Star Wars freaks, but then again who can deny that Star Wars is absolutely necessary for nerds of all kinds. Put Star Wars together with Vampire Knight, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and all of the other great animes in the world and you've just made my whole year. Considering Kami-Con happens once every year.

Can't wait for next year!!!!