Friday, November 9, 2012

LoL Champion Obsession

I haven't posted a blog in months and for that I'm sorry. I've been so busy with homework I haven't had time to do the things I would normally do and unfortunately, I'm still kind of obsessed with League of Legends which I've already blogged about, but I decided I would find some sort of inspiration to blog again so now I'm here to discuss my latest champion obsession on League.


Talon is my first PVP champion. I bought him not long after I started playing LoL and was still very new to the game and I must confess I was not very good with him at all so I barely played with him for a while. Eventually, I was able to find a good build for him and I began to slaughter with him so I decided that when I started playing PVP, he would be my sole companion and I haven't lost a game yet. I admit, Talon is extremely hard to be good with so don't get discouraged if you're not very good with him at first.

I'm uploading his Champion Spotlight so you don't have to get bored with my rambling on and on about him :). Just remember, practice, practice, practice.

Talon Champion Spotlight

Monday, August 13, 2012

League of Legends

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last posted and to tell you the truth, school starts back in two days and I don't know when I'll be able to post again.

     At first I was struggling while coming up with an idea to blog about because the boyfriend got me obsessed with League of Legends, a.k.a LoL. Then, I realized something...I can blog about that! I'm so smart sometimes I amaze myself :p.

     Anyway, the game is amazing and it's free to play which makes it even more amazing. Of course, you can always buy champions and skins, but why pay actual money for something when you can play in game to earn influence points to buy stuff? I'll never understand. The game is pretty much straight forward once you get the hang of it which is great. The first time I played it, I felt so lost. Instead of making a single character and raising his stats like you would do in Oblivion, you become a summoner and you get over a hundred champions (so far) to choose from. It's great! Then, as a summoner you earn a mastery point every time you level up which you can put to offense, defense, or just utility so basically, it's like leveling up a character.

     This game is absolutely amazing, but there are some annoying things about this game. First, PVP is positively Hell. Everyone acts like they are absolutely perfect and you're trash. One tiny mistake sends them spiraling on a tantrum filled with all sorts of insults not only directed at you, but your whole team. God forbid that you lag one tiny little second. It's enough to make anyone report you on the spot. Second, this game eats up your internet so you better hope that you're the only one using the internet so yeah that means getting on at 3 o'clock in the morning, but hey, you're used to that. You're not used to an instant crash whenever someone pulls up the interent on the iPhone. Like seriously?

      Still, this game is great and I encourage everyone to give it a shot.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Sorry people about the super long delay, but I've been so busy and then busy relaxing that I don't have time to do anything other than work, eat, sleep, and spend the few days I can with my wonderful boyfriend.

Anyway, my newest craze has been this wonderful anime called Kekkaishi. I've been watching it for a while now, but I just recently started acquiring the seasons and rewatching them with C.W. so that he can see how wonderful the series is. Netflix is amazing. You pick an anime you want and I swear they probably have it. Now, I'm mostly referring to the popular ones. Don't try looking for anything still in Japan or whatever because you probably won't have any luck finding it.

Moving on, Kekkaishi is about two kekkaishis (obviously) protecting the Karasumori site also known as their high school. The main characters are Yoshimori, a 14-year-old middleschooler, and Tokine, a 16-year-old highschooler. The kekkaishis are your typical teenagers during the day, for the most part, but at night they go out to their school and protect it from deadly ayakashi, essentially demons. The series is great because it does have some action in it so it's not like it's just for the girls. My boyfriend can actually sit and watch this weird series with me, he even so kindly pointed out that in a lot of ways it's like Bleach.

Now, I don't watch enough of Bleach to sit down here and type an entire paragraph on all the similarities and the the differences like he did so you're just going to have to watch it and decipher it for yourself. I'm sure you will not be disappointed :p.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Now, I know this is a kid's movie and here I am, a grown adult (well mostly) praising this movie. I loved this movie. Mostly because I love girls who can fight for themselves and Scotland is beautiful. The story itself was a little odd at times, but the ending made up for all of the weirdness. I even cried! I would even go watch it again. Next time, I'm dragging my boyfriend though :p. Well, I'm not going to spoil the movie. This time you're going to have to just see for yourself.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

John Cusack's The Raven

This movie was super great and I don't care what anyone else says. I thought it was absolutely amazing! Cusack makes a pretty good Poe. I'm not personally a huge Cusack fan or anything, but considering we don't know hardly anything about Poe anyway, I think he did an amazing job.

 So from the very beginning, I knew Poe was going to die in the end. It was just so obvious. Poe sitting on the park bench with it snowing. Another great thing about the movie is that it goes through some of Poe's life. It tells about Virginia and his time in the military. Of course, when you don't have much to go on and you're trying to make a movie, you don't really have much of choice on what to leave out or not.

The ending was even more amazing! My brother and I were so amazed when the killer's last name was Reynolds. It just made everything fall into place. I was so impressed that I didn't even want to leave after the credits started rolling. So can't wait for it to come out on DVD and watch it all the time :p.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


So this obsession has been an ongoing obsession for at least 3 years now, but considering I just went to Kami-Con yesterday, it just has to be my newest blog obsession. OK, so if you're a nerd, you'll know exactly what Kami-Con is, scratch that, if you're an anime nerd, you'll know exactly what Kami-Con is. For those of you, not in the "nerd-herd," it is quite simple to understand. Take all of the anime nerds in a close proximity and give them a whole weekend and a convention center then bribe us with free screenings of the most popular animes, cheaper mangas, and all sorts of anime merchandise at discounted prices and ta-da, you now have a Kami-Con. Not much different from Comic-Con or Dragon-Con, except Kami-Con revolves around anime characters. Of course, you'll always see your decked out Star Wars freaks, but then again who can deny that Star Wars is absolutely necessary for nerds of all kinds. Put Star Wars together with Vampire Knight, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and all of the other great animes in the world and you've just made my whole year. Considering Kami-Con happens once every year.

Can't wait for next year!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stepping On Roses

Yay! New blog...I think I really need to seek medical attention. I think I might have a problem. Oh well, this newest blog I created is going to strictly revolve around my current obsessions, such as: movies, shows, mangas, animes, anything cultural, and music. I definitely can't do books since I already have a blog for that. first post for this blog will be about my obsession with the manga Stepping On Roses by Rinko Ueda. This is the first manga I've read by her, but I am telling you it is absolutely amazing! I'm only on the third issue, but already, I've fell in and out of love with Nozomu and have fallen absolutley in love with Soichiro.

When I first started reading it, I kept making comparisons of Soichiro to my ultimate romance hero, Heathcliff. Nozomu was naturally Edgar Linton. The main character Sumi is no Catherine though, but really a sweet, poor girl who is forced to marry Soichiro for money when she really loves Nozomu. At first, I loved Nozomu too, but then he goes crazy and tries to kill himself and Sumi after kidnapping her from Soichiro. Thankfully, Soichiro saves Sumi and Nozomu, despite Nozomu's attempt to steal his best friend's wife. This is where Soichiro proved to me that he really loves Sumi and is actually a pretty decent guy.

I could blabber on for days at this rate. Hopefully, I'll get a new obsession soon and will be able to make a new post for this blog =).